Homeowners Insurance
Aegis General provides top-tier
homeowners insurance — HO3
& HO5 policy forms for primary
residences with dwelling limits
up to $800,000 at policy incep-
tion. Our automatic Inflation
Guard protection keeps the
dwelling coverage current and
provides dwelling limits up to
$875,000 on subsequent re-
newals. In addition, Extended
Replacement Cost coverage pro-
vides an added level of protec-
tion, up to 25% of the dwelling
But more than that, at Aegis we
integrate cutting-edge tools and
technology to provide real-time
guidance on estimated replace-
ment costs, updated roof data,
wildfire exposure and loss his-
tory right at the point-of-sale.
It’s a heavy investment, but one
we feel is worth your time and
confidence by providing the best
information available at your
fingertips and significantly re-
ducing post-bind underwriting
And of course, we have all the
various coverage options, de-
ductibles and discounts you
would expect from a top-tier
property market.